מילון אנגלי-עברי - האות U - עמוד 21
אנגלית | English
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
עברית | Hebrew
א | ב | ג | ד | ה | ו | ז | ח | ט | י | כ | ל | מ | נ | ס | ע | פ | צ | ק | ר | ש | ת |
עמוד | Page
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
- used to
- used to (verb)
- useful
- useful idiot
- useful idiot (for)
- usefulness
- useless
- useless debate
- uselessness
- user
- user comment
- User Experience
- user friendly
- user list
- user training
- username
- usher
- usher in
- usher in a turning point
- usher in (the)
- usher out
- usher out (the)
- usher (the)
- usherette
- ushering in of redemption
- using
- using the tools of law
- usual
- usually
- usufruct
- usurer
- usurious
- usurious interest
- usurp
- usurp (the/from)
- usurpation
- usurpation (of)
- usurped
- usurper
- usurping
- usury
- utensil
- utensils
- uterine
- uterus
- utilitarian
- utilitarianism
- utility
- utility bill
- utilizable
- utilization
- utilization (of)
- utilization of rights
- utilize
- utilize opportunities
- utilize opportunities (to/for)
- utilize (the)
- utilized
- utilizing opportunities
- utmost
- utmost care
- utmost delicacy
- utmost urgency
- utopia
- utopian
- utopianism
- utter
- utter a peep
- utter a veiled threat
- utter drivel
- utter effusive praise
- utter effusive praise (for)
- utter failure
- utter misery
- utter opposite
- utter quiet
- utter (the)
- utterance
- utterly
- utterly alone
- utterly different
- utterly reject
- utterly reject (that/the)
- utter/make a peep
- utter/make a peep (about/against)
- UV
- UX
- uxorious
- uxoriously
- uxoriousness